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Web Security Manager & Web Application Firewall

Defending Against Web Application Attacks


Detect & Respond to Threats – From the Data Center to the Cloud


Web application attacks are one of the most serious risks in today’s threat landscape. They’re prevalent – seven out of ten environments will be attacked an average of 40 times during a year and they’re dangerous, implicated in many high-profile data breaches. From SQL injection attempts to cross-site scripting exploits, protection is essential.


Web application firewalls (WAFs) are an ideal technology for defense – able to understand incoming traffic and intercept attacks, they’re a practical approach to guarding your applications and data. However, they also require expert tuning and management to be effective; otherwise, they impact site availability by blocking legitimate traffic, or are tuned down to a level where they are no longer effective.

A new approach to Web Application Security…


SALIX Web Security Manager delivers on the WAF promise. The first fully-managed Security-as-a-Service WAF, Web Security Manager provides:

  • Proven WAF technology that block attacks with negative and positive security features and learning that adapts to your traffic patterns
  • PCI DSS 6.6 compliance without code reviews
  • SaaS delivery from SALIX that removes typical WAF management headaches
  • Unique non-invasive no-downtime deployment, providing the optimal mix of security and ease of implementation
  • ActiveAlert managed services that extend your capabilities with tuning, monitoring, alerting, expert guidance, and assistance with incident remediation by certified security analysts
  • Superior value, leveraging SALIX’s investment in highly-available infrastructure, security technology, and expert staff for a monthly fee – with no capital expenses

SALIX Web Security Manager deploys on-premise, in hosted environments or in the cloud, without complex integration. Now you can protect your web applications and sites with proven technology and expert staff without the difficulties usually experienced with web application firewalls.


Web Security Manager identifies & blocks web application attacks while allowing legitimate traffic
