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Legal Document Coding & OCR

SALIX outputs data which is compatible with all major legal proprietary software formats.


Working closely with legal organizations, SALIX processes project-specific document coding to your individual specifications, providing our clients with instant access to documents on-screen. SALIX has skilled staff who are dedicated to legal coding, have a thorough understanding of legal terminology and documentation and are able to review documents, and locate specification requirements both efficiently and accurately.

This area of processing broadly covers:

Objective Coding


Basic coding processing involving bibliographic coding/document indexing (type of document, author, recipient, date etc).

Subjective Coding


A more comprehensive coding process. In addition to the above, this includes keywords and relevant data from the document text which can be flexible and specific to individual company requirements.

Full Text Capture/Data Transcription


Full Key entry of all content data from hard copy or image format to provide a fully searchable database at the touch of a button.