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Electronic Medical Records

What is EMR?


Most medical offices have thousands of paper records taking up untold amounts of costly office space, not to mention the additional time costs and risks associated with of misplaced or lost files. EMR is the process of converting paper files into electronic files, as well as utilizing electronic documentation for ongoing patient records.

Why EMR?


In an increasingly electronic world, conversion to EMR is not a matter of if, but rather a question of when. Get in early and starting reaping the benefits now.

Increase your Bottom Line:

Eliminate the Cost Of Retrieving Paper Charts

Industry standards quote $5-$12 to pull an existing chart – and $7 to create a new one

Control Storage Costs

We can put up to 100 bankers boxes worth of data on a CD. What are you waiting for?

Increase Revenue

Use your storage spaces for additional offices, exam rooms, equipment rooms, laboratory space, ancillary providers – growing your business operations.

Increase Productivity

Save the time of data retrieval. No more searching for charts and important data. Access your records from anywhere.

Decrease Risk:

No More Lost Charts and Missing Information

  • Have all patient information in one place
  • Easy retrieval of charts for audits, inquiries or litigation
  • Keep your records safe from disaster
  • Ensure compliance with HIPAA and retention guidelines

Government Incentives:

The Federal government has put a program in place to encourage medical offices to switch to EMR. Get in early and get the maximum benefit.

Contribute to a Green Business:

Significantly decrease your offices paper, ink and toner consumption.

Why is SALIX the right EMR Partner?


SALIX’s comprehensive, doctor-centric approach to EMR makes your conversion experience painless. We will work with you from start to finish in your offices’ EMR process, or step in to help out at any point along the way. Our imaged documents will be compatible with any EMR you choose.


We can create a customized solution to meet your budget for converting paper documents into electronic records. Our experienced, secure, HIPAA compliant data imaging department (link to data imaging page) will use today’s best technology to scan your paper documents at your site or ours and convert them into images compatible with your existing systems, or provide a document management system for you, removing the burden of scanning from internal support staff. We ensure high quality output, quick turnaround time, and allow for the focus to be on the organizations core competencies – all while saving you money.


Quality is Critical


SALIX has Quality Control processes in place that will ensure the end result you need. Our internal processes check for missed pages (including back sides), alignment and contrast, as well as checking for misfiled documents.  Don’t try to take on EMR by yourself. Let SALIX use its expertise and experience to help you through the process, ensure success, and save you time and money.